Communique – Communication AuditCommunique™ helps you discover the real impact of your communication channels and activities. Find out what is important to people and how they wish to be involved. Discover how differences in communication and management style might impact attitude and performance.

Communique™ provides an insight into organisational communication in six well-defined categories. We examine organisational context and style as well as the four Dimensions in our communication management matrix FIRM®: Feedback; Involvement; Role-modelling; Messaging.

We are also able to look at positive and negative influences on performance and attitudes to the organisation. As with our other survey instruments we can counsel executive team views and employee opinion on the same issues.

Communication style, context, process, management

Communique Survey ToolHow do you manage communication in your organisation and what processes do you deploy? Do people understand the context for issues and decisions and does your communication style support your desired culture?

Intent and effect

Are your communication efforts measured in business outcomes?

Impact on attitude and performance

What is it about organisational communication in all its guises that influences how people feel or act?

Sample output

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